.MY - Role of Domain Contact Print

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According to registry (MYNIC) policies, all modification and action performed on domains need to be done by admin, billing and technical contact at their end user portal. Please refer below table for the role of each contact of .MY domain:


Admin contact personnel

Billing contact personnel

Technical contact personnel

  • Change of Password
  • Appoint New Administrative Contact
  • Appoint New Technical Contact
  • Appoint New Billing Contact
  • Appoint New Invoicing Party
  • Modify Administrative Contact Record
  • Modify New Registrant Record/Name
  • Delete Domain Name
  • Transfer Domain Name
  • Change of Password
  • Modify Billing Contact Record
  • Appoint New Invoicing Party
  • View and Print Invoices & Receipts


  • Change of Password
  • Modify Technical Contact Record
  • Change/Add/Delete/Modify Nameserver (NS)


a. Invoicing Party Transfer (Admin / Billing Contact)

Registrar transfer of.MY domain name is known as an invoicing party transfer.


  1. Go to SELFCARE and login with Admin Contact access.
  2. Click on domain name > Modify Domain.
  3. Key in domain name, tick the correspondence extension checkbox and click “search”.
  4. Select the domain name and click “Modify”.
  5. Tick “Appoint a New Invoicing Party”. 
  6. Select our provider “Qinetics Solutions Berhad (R039)” as the new invoicing party and confirm for the modification.
  7. Admin Contact will be informed for the transfer status and an acknowledgement email will be sent to the Admin contact email by registry (MYNIC).
  8. Kindly email us at [email protected] for the changes so we could assign domain under your account.


b. Registrant Change (Admin contact)

.MY Ownership Transfer is consider as a re-registration. The remaining term will be forfeited. E.g. the domain creation date will be reset to Ownership Transfer Completed Date although the domain still have 2 years to expire.


1. Go to SELFCARE.
2. Enter username and password.
3. Go to “Domain” > “Manage” at the domain name.
4. Select Transfer Domain.
5. Search the domain and proceed with the transfer.


After application submitted, Ownership Transfer will take approximately 28 days to complete.


c. Contact Updates

1. Go to SELFCARE.
2. Enter username and password.
3. Select "Domain" menu and click "Manage" button.
4. Select "Contact Information" tab and edit your contact accordingly.


d. DNS change (Technical contact)

1) Register 2FA mobile number
Please note that the Technical Contact must register mobile number first before modify name server in order able to receive TAC via SMS for second layer verification.
1. Go to SELFCARE.
2. Enter username and password.
3. Go to "My Account" > "Security".
4. Add 2fa Mobile number.
2) Change Name server
1. Go to SELFCARE.
2. Enter username and password.
3. Go to “Domain” > “Manage” at the domain name.
4. Choose Nameserver.
5. To change the nameserver, please click at the 'edit' button and change the nameserver 1 following the nameserver 2. Click '+add' for additional nameserver.
6. Click “Update” and “Save”.
7. A notification message will be displayed.
8. Please enter TAC that will be received via SMS into column provided and click Continue button.
9. You may verify the changes through Whois service available at http://whois.mynic.my.
For more details, kindly check the FAQ in registry.

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