About Us

Hello and welcome to 1buy!

We are a web service provider. Founded in 2021, 1buy is on a mission to make the process of going online for individuals and businesses easy with less hassle. We understand that setting up a website is no easy task, so we want to make life easier for all who wish to do so by providing a high quality service and experience. When our customers come to us to register domain names and buy SSL certificate, some of the most essential things required in starting a great new website, we want to provide the best possible experience to all!

Our mission

We are founded with an aspiration to help every individual or business to launch and build their online identities for a stronger online presence.

We aim to provide a high quality experience in helping individuals and businesses to get started online by making the process easier and much more pleasant.

We strive for the highest level of trust, accountability and transparency when it comes to serving our customers and helping them to secure and take control of their digital assets.

Our values

Fast & Responsive

We hate the frustration of getting a slow response, or even worse, no response. With 1buy, your request will not go unhandled or ignored. Get guaranteed response within 24 hours of contacting us!

Trusted & Accountable

Domain names and websites are valuable digital assets, which are equivalent to your properties in real life. At 1buy, your digital assets are in safe hands and any unauthorised transactions will be blocked without your explicit consent.


Customer satisfaction is the utmost important to us. With 1buy, we strive to meet all of your demands.

Continuous Improvement

There are many aspects in the journey of venturing online in the digital space. At 1buy, we continuously improve and add new products/services to satisfy our customers' needs.

We are available through the options below. Contact us and connect with us!

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