5 Ways to Completely Revamp Your Domain Name 

In order to completely revamp your website, you’ll need to decide on a new domain name. A domain name represents your website’s online identity, and serves as the foundation of your online brand identity. You’ll want to choose a domain name that will represent your business effectively and easily, so that you don’t run into any issues while you get your new website up and running. The following are five ways to completely revamp your domain name, so that your new website will be just as strong as it needs to be. 


1) Pick the right platform 

Just picking a domain name is only half of the battle. You also need to pick a hosting platform and secure it with an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate is an extra layer of protection for your website, which will increase trust with visitors. It’s easy enough for DIYers who want to get under the hood, but plenty of platforms make it nearly as easy as 1-2-3. Shop around at 1buy and choose what makes sense for you—cost, ease of use, or some other factor might play into your decision here. Just make sure you take care of this first step before anything else! 


2) Do it right the first time

Buying a domain name, hosting it, and getting an SSL certificate can seem like intimidating tasks, but doing it right from day one will save you time and energy later on. Start by purchasing your domain from a reputable company that includes hosting and SSL in its pricing. If you’re planning on using WordPress as your platform of choice for building your website, 1buy provides these services at a great price. After choosing a host, make sure you pay extra attention when installing WordPress so that you choose HTTPS in settings rather than HTTP—this small difference is huge when it comes to security! 


3) Promote, promote, promote! 

Chances are you’re not alone in your desire for a new domain name, but that doesn’t mean anyone has better claim to it than you. To ensure yours is among them, make sure you do your research and know who’s out there – not just with domains similar to yours, but with similar products or services as well. If there are others using similar domains, how far down your list of five could you go? What else can they offer that would attract customers? Are they more established or well-known than you and have a greater chance of generating traffic? 


4) Know your competition 

Every business has its share of competitors, but that doesn’t mean you can’t set yourself apart from them. If you want your domain name revamp strategy to be successful, you need to know what’s already working in your industry and learn from other companies who are innovating in ways that aren’t yet on your radar. Reviewing web analytics for top competitors is a great way to see how customers are responding and find opportunities for improvement. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on influential blogs, follow potential clients on social media and monitor any news releases or marketing announcements related to your industry. 


5) Build an email list 

Building an email list is one of your most powerful marketing tools. Email allows you to communicate with a highly-targeted group of individuals who are interested in what you have to say and can’t wait for more. But how do you grow that email list? One way is by distributing unique, original content on a regular basis through email newsletters, or ezines. The key here is making sure that your content is tailored to subscribers’ interests so they’ll want more from you each time they receive a new issue. Think of it as winning friends and influencing people—just online. 



And that’s it! In just a few simple steps, you can completely revamp your domain name. Remember, a great domain name is key for success online so don’t overlook that important first impression. You want people to know right away what your website is about and be compelled to click through. Here at 1buy, we specialize in domain name services and SSL, so if you have any questions or need help with all of your future domain needs, feel free to contact our support.